Intimate same-sex destination wedding in Faena Hotel

Kevin and Chaz met in late 2019 through a dating app like every self-respecting modern couple.  In January 2020, they decided to go on their first date at a coffee shop and wound up talking for hours about just about everything – our individual history, politics, pop-culture.  One of Kevin’s questions was “Who is your favorite Star Wars character”.  Chaz replied, “Vader”  (for the record, his favorite is Emperor Palpatine).  That’s when they knew they both spoke the same language of nerd. They agreed to go on another date the next day; they started with brunch at The Fainting Goat, and would go on to shop for comic books together at a local comics store that was in walking distance.  On their way to the store, a random passerby on the street told them that they were “a good-looking couple” and said they couldn’t wait for our wedding. They laughed it off, “wedding???”, please that was only their second date. They read the comics in McMillan park which has amazing fountains. They would go on four other dates between January and March; and then everything would change in March with the coming of the COVID-19 pandemic. Movement was being restricted as pandemic protocols were put in place and they were unsure of what to do. The choice came down to “do we ride this out together”, or “do we wait until this ends, and pick back up”?  We decided to ride it out together, and Kevin moved in to Chaz´ place.  It started with a back pack, than a duffel bag, and before too long, he had half of the closet and they were making choices about whose dishes they thought they liked better.  The pandemic eventually ended, but by then they had been living together for years, and they knew that this is the way it was going to stay.  On May 25th, 2023 they went to “their spot” (a restaurant in DC called Xiquet), and Chaz asked Kevin to marry him (fun fact, the original Star Wars movie was released on May 25th 1977.  The choice of the date was not an accident and I had been planning to ask him to marry me since October of 2022). Fortunately, he said yes; and the rest is history.

About their wedding in Faena Hotel Buenos Aires: both of them are big fans of Evita so it made a lot of sense to had their wedding in Faena Hotel. This hotel has the perfect balance between glam and quirkiness that represent their personality. Leti and Lea from Fabulous Weddings were the wedding planners and made an excelent job selecting and coordinating all the vendors. They had a very intimate wedding with only 8 guests who travel from USA . Rain made us move the ceremony from the patio to the ballroom but this did not affect its emotionality.

Food and drinks by Faena Catering were amazing as usual and the wedding decor by Luminis was stunning. They also had a jazz quartet during reception by Baires Jazz Quartet and a tango show by LNA Eventos with four tango dancers and a piano / bandoneon duo.

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If you want to read (in Spanish) more about this venue you have a full blog post dedicated to it.

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